End of Life


Betroffene Produkte

Name Part # Alternative products Part # Description
mymbCONNECT24.midi 0691 mymbCONNECT24.virtual Factory Edition 7.300.002.00.00 Virtual Server
mymbCONNECT24.virtual PRO Corporate 7.300.003.00.00 Virtual Server

EOL Meilensteine, Definition un Datum

Milestones Shortcut Description Date
Notification about product discontinuation EOL-NOT Defines the day on which the product discontinuation will be published May 01, 2016
Last order date EOL-ORD Deadline for orders Jun 14, 2016
Last delivery date EOL-DEL End of deliveries Jun 30, 2016
End of software support EOL-SWS No software or security updates will be offered anymore after this date n.a.
End of repairs EOL-REP With reservation, repairs may be granted within the warranty up to the given date. Due to unavailable spare parts, an alternative item will be offered Jun 30, 2016
End of product support EOL-PS The last date technical support is available n.a.

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